Friday, February 19, 2016

"Only those live who do good"

this quote means that only people that take care of there responsibilities should live. No person that makes a mistake should live a life they dont want. Sometimes people think that its a good think to choose a bad thing to do but it haunts you or stays on your back for a while till you get it out by telling someone to help you. Things can turn out good and bad too but you should look on the bright side not everyone that did something bad should be punished maybe it was an accident that they didnt mean to do.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

"what's right isn't always popular. what's popular isn't always right."
 what this quote is saying is that not everything you do is gonna lead to a right cause for you to become popular. Sometimes you could do a bad thing and "think" your popular or you can do the right thing and be popular. The world doesn't revolve around bad habits you can make your habits good and become a greater person, have better character then other people.So next time you think of doing something wrong change your mind and do the good deed.

Friday, February 12, 2016

"I hated poverty. Poverty is more of a choice then anything else, and i can change that (poverty). It depends upon how hard i want to work, and i decided that i would change it"

This quote is telling you to fulfill anything you set you mind to. Always try to achieve any goal you have in mind, never step back always be on the right track. Strive for what you want and dont back out. Ben believed that he could take the semi twins heads off, so he tried and didnt give up. He strived for greatness didnt give up , why? because he knew he was capable of it.

Monday, February 8, 2016

"Enthusiasm makes the difference"
This quote means your character actions always count you could be happy at one point and sad at another but you have to be positive and see the bright side of things. If you think of something to cheer you up and keep you moving then keep going and strive for greatness. Sometimes not everything well be to your level of enthusiasm but try to make the best for it. When you show how much enthusiasm you have it'll lead you to greatness.