Monday, April 25, 2016

Recreation therapist

Duties & responsibilities:  is a treatment service designed to restore, remediate and rehabilitate a person’s level of functioning and independence in life activities, to promote health and wellness as well as reduce or eliminate the activity limitations and restrictions to participation in life situations caused by an illness or disabling condition. Recreational therapy may also be simply referred to as recreation therapy.

Salary:  $28,688-$50,274

Education: bachelor’s degree in recreational therapy, leisure studies or a related field, although the educational requirements may vary by employer.


Reflection: I wouldn’t want to be this because with these type of people you need to have patience and not everyone has patience on one another.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Mental health counselor

Duties and responsibilities: mental health counselors will be one of the first resources available to people in need of emotional and psychological support.

Salary: 41,500

Education: Earn a bachelor’s degree in counseling, earn a master’s degree in counseling, earn a doctorate in counseling.


Monday, April 11, 2016

X-ray technician

Duties and responsibilities:use cutting-edge imaging methods to visualize the inside of the human body. The pictures they create help physicians to diagnose and treat illnesses or injuries with great accuracy.

Salary: $55,870

Education:Only 1 or sometimes 2 of academic training, usually in a certificate program, is typically needed to become an X-Ray Tech.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

“They’re only truly great who are truly good.”

This quote means that if you’re a great person you’ll succeed on in life to be a good person. Sometimes being a bad person means having a bad character. Some people are good and have a great character and it helps with school or even applying to work somewhere. Having a good attitude helps everyone. Everyone should be different but in a positive way. Always being negative and bad could get you into places you might not even wanna be in. Let's say you’re applying for a job to be a teacher there are 2 teachers Ms.Harris & Mr.Franco, Franco has a positive attitude and loves kids & Harris is just mean and gives everyone fails, who do you think gets the job obviously it's Franco.

Radiation therapist

Duties and responsibilities: A radiation therapist is someone who operates a machine called linear accelerators, which are used to deliver radiation therapy.

Salary: 77,560

Education: Certificate, associate's degree or bachelor's degree in radiation therapy

Demand for this profession: Radiation therapist are really helpful with a lot of things especially with diseases
